Friday, October 23, 2015

Muffins & Math

This morning at 7:30 our students and their parents joined the Hawthorne Staff for muffins, bananas, and juice.  This is our third annual "Muffins" event and this time we integrated our new math  program.  At 8:00, our instructional coach Amy Schuhmacher delivered an excellent program for parents.  She modeled math lessons and examples that are much different than the way parents were taught math.  Our social worker Katie Nielsen organized the entire event and with the help of the amazing Hawthorne Staff, we all had a great time with our Hawthorne families.  Thank you to all of you who were able to join us!

At 2:00, we will have our Be a Buddy Assembly to celebrate the positive behaviors we see everyday.  Students will join their Hawthorne buddy for some shared reading time, and our in-house detective will make a visit!

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