Monday, December 14, 2015

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are going great at Hawthorne School!
On Tuesday, Dec. 8 and Thursday, Dec. 10, we welcomed our students and families and showed them the new eBooks site and Math site. 
 Karen Zwolenski, Principal
Amy Schuhmacher, Instructional Coach
Andrea Harves, Art Teacher
Jeff Groth, P.E. Teacher
Anna Roberts, Music Teacher (not pictured)

We continue our conferences this week, and look forward to seeing more students and parents on Thursday, Dec. 17!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hawthorne Gala

Here are a few pictures from the Hawthorne Gala.  Students dressed in their best today, and had a special lunch.  What a great group of well-mannered students we have at Hawthorne School! A special thanks to Rebekah Crissinger's High School Chamber Orchestra, who played for every lunch period!  The students loved the music.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Level 1 Manners Assembly

In preparation for our Gala Dress Up day on Wednesday, the Student Council held a Level 1 Manners Assembly for students this morning.  They had five teachers act out good table manners!  Thanks to Mr. Rassler, Mrs. Hendrickson, Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Lange, and Mrs. Nielsen for your assistance. 

Student Council

Hawthorne Student Council at work, preparing for the Level 1 Manners Assembly!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veteran's Day 2015

Mrs. Anna Roberts and the 4th & 5th grade students honored our Veterans today
with a memorable program. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Veteran's Day

In preparation for Veteran's Day, November 11, 2015, every student had "a hand" in this flag creation, crafted by artist and art teacher Andrea Harves.
Our students in grades 3, 4, and 5, are preparing a Veteran's Day Program for Wednesday, at 1:30 p.m.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Muffins & Math

This morning at 7:30 our students and their parents joined the Hawthorne Staff for muffins, bananas, and juice.  This is our third annual "Muffins" event and this time we integrated our new math  program.  At 8:00, our instructional coach Amy Schuhmacher delivered an excellent program for parents.  She modeled math lessons and examples that are much different than the way parents were taught math.  Our social worker Katie Nielsen organized the entire event and with the help of the amazing Hawthorne Staff, we all had a great time with our Hawthorne families.  Thank you to all of you who were able to join us!

At 2:00, we will have our Be a Buddy Assembly to celebrate the positive behaviors we see everyday.  Students will join their Hawthorne buddy for some shared reading time, and our in-house detective will make a visit!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Math Stories, Reading Strategies, & Reading Stamina

One of my favorite things to do is to visit classrooms throughout the week.  Today, I had a chance to view one of our Intervention Teachers, Jenny Sarff, as she taught a math lesson.  Students told stories using pictures and connecting-blocks to show math representations of their numbers.  In Ms. Noack's room students circled up to share the reading strategies they observed themselves using while reading books from their "Just Right" book box.  Ms. Miller's room was a haven of reading and relaxation, as students spread out on the carpet and chairs, completely immersed in their books.  I always love to see what they are currently reading, and feel very connected to their literature from my years as a 5th grade teacher! 

Great learning is happening at Hawthorne School!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Fire Prevention Poster Contest

Two of our fifth graders, Sophia Brownlee and Ava Cunningham were the 1st place and 3rd place winners of the Fire Prevention Poster Contest.  Well done girls!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Reading and Math

We are now in the 4th week of school and our students are well into their schedules!  Here is Mrs. Jerdee's class reading books independently and at their level.  Each of them has a book box that holds their favorite titles.  Students work on increasing their reading stamina during the first month of school.  Ms. Noack's class (2nd picture) is already up to 23 minutes of independent (and focused!) reading.
Ms. Busch's class is working on a math lesson in our new enVision Math program.   

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Homecoming Spirit at Hawthorne School!  I found these Wacky students in the hallway and lunchroom today! 

Hawthorne School Picnic

We had a great time at the Hawthorne School Picnic last evening.
Great pizza, great weather, and great families!  Thanks to all who participated!

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Detective Duo!

This morning, our students and staff attended our first Positive Behavior Assembly of the school year.  A special "detective duo" (Katie Nielsen, School Social Worker and Molly Neumann, Intervention Teacher) investigated Hawthorne School for positive ("Level 1") behaviors.

They found many examples (pictures of staff members demonstrating positive behaviors) and showed them on the screen.  The students saw Ms. Lizotte sitting "criss-cross applesauce, the K teachers walking down the hall, Mrs. Lange and Ms. Noack saying "please" and "thank you," Mr. Rassler going down the slide and several other examples!  In the next two weeks, I will have a Level 1 Lesson with every classroom at Hawthorne. 

Great way to start the week!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Day Assembly

We are "Ready to Learn!" at Hawthorne School. Our specialist team, Mrs. Harves, Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Groth, and Mr. Clapp took the stage and taught students and staff the Hawthorne "Ready to Learn!" chant.  Every staff member introduced themselves to the students and we finished the assembly by dancing to the Cupid Shuffle.  It's great to have the students back!

Hey Hawthorne!

Hey what?

Hey Hawthorne!

Hey what?


Are you ready to learn? (clap, clap)

We are ready to learn!  (clap, clap)


We are ready, we are ready to learn!  (clap, clap)

We are ready, we are ready to learn!  (clap, clap)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Parent-Teacher Conferences at Hawthorne

Anna Roberts (music teacher), Andrea Harves (art teacher), and Jeff Groth (physical education teacher) joined me at the main entrance to welcome our students and parents yesterday and today.  What a great time we had greeting and visiting with our families.  Lots of smiles came through the door!  We weren't sure who was more excited...students or parents!!  Can't wait until Tuesday morning to begin our new school year.  See you at 8:10 a.m. on September 8, Hawthorne Students! We are going to have an AWESOME school year!

Ready to Learn!

Dear Hawthorne Students and Families,

Welcome to Hawthorne School!  I am so happy that you are here.  It’s going to be a great year.  I want you to know that our teachers and staff will do everything we can to help you have an excellent year of learning and growing. 

Our theme this year is “Ready to Learn!”  Each day we will prepare for learning with a great attitude.  Our staff will be prepared with the best learning environment and the best instructional practices in education.  We will get to know each of you and figure out how you learn best!

Parents, I thank you in advance for the great work you do at home, preparing your children for learning:  breakfast, a good night’s sleep, reading at home, conversations with your children, and fun family time. 

Our staff and I believe in EVERY student.  We will do everything it takes to help our students learn and grow at high levels.  We don’t give up on any child. I give you my promise that I will help you and your child in any way I can to help your child succeed.  If you have any concerns, always feel free to contact me.  I love Hawthorne School!  I hope you have a great 2015-2016 school year!

Mrs. Zwolenski
Ready to Learn! 

Friday, May 22, 2015


May has been a busy month for Hawthorne Students.  One of the highlights was the Walk-a-Thon fundraiser on May 8.  All grade 1-5 students walked around Fountain Lake, while K students had a modified route.  Along the way,  there were stops at Fountain Lake Park, Lakeview Park, and Pioneer Park for snacks, a picnic, playing, and dancing with Mr. D. and Mr. C.  Students and staff enjoyed the day which ended at Hawthorne School, where students crossed the finish line!  Students raised nearly $8,000 which will fund field trips, class events, parent events, and books for the 2015-2016 school year. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Math Masters

Our 5th grade Math Masters, under the guidance of Math Masters Teacher Larry Rassler, attended the competition in Austin last week.  Congratulations to the team and congratulations to Jenna Klevan who placed 8th in the fact drill.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

First Grade Authors

It was an exciting day in Mrs. Boyenga's first grade classroom. 
Her students published the book titled, "First Grade Informational Animal Reports." 

The students enjoyed reading their own pages, as well as their classmates' pages.

The first graders illustrated the book as well!